
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359

Global Big Day Colombia – Team Manakin Nature Tours

The Global Big Day is always a wish date by everyone! A moment when the birders around the world get together and do what we love, Watch the birds!

This year parallel to the Global Big Day, we participated in the Global bird weekend, which is three days (October 8, 9, and 10), with our team Manakin Nature Tours. For these two events, each of the participants, our guides and staff went to a specific region for birding, so that we could get the greatest amount of records! Our Team was focused on 4 large region: Central Andes, Eastern Andes, Biogeographical Choco and Amazonia, and so it was, on the Global Big Day, the Team Manakin Nature Tours, recorded 437 species over 24 hours and remained in 2nd place with the highest records during the event in Colombia! And during Global Birding 537 species in these three days!

With all our contributions to the birdwatching community in Colombia, we helped the country win first place with 1335 species observed on the Global Big Day, and with a participation of 1053 e-birders, placing the country in third place with the most active users during the event, after United States and Canada.

The Global Big Day is a time to fraternize, share, and thus help citizen science, this event was very special for Manakin Nature Tours, after previous versions with great restrictions, this in fact we managed to do what we like most, to be in the field contributing to the Citizen Science!

Birds connect us to nature

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