
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359
Conservation species

Conservation Studies

Research projects with threatened species

Scientific research emerges as one of the most crucial pillars in species preservation. At Manakin Nature Tours, several of our members have engaged in research for various organizations, fully understanding that the results of each study constitute the essential foundation for making decisions capable of rescuing endangered populations and providing essential data for a deeper understanding of the behaviors, ecosystems, and diverse fauna that we cherish and strive to conserve.

Currently, Manakin has the ambitious goal of developing and implementing a ten-year action plan within our natural reserve. This plan focuses on the expansion of protected areas and collaborative management alongside regional and national conservation initiatives. Additionally, we prioritize biodiversity research and monitoring, as well as the promotion of environmental education. All of this will be carried out hand in hand with the social and economic development of the community, supported by sustainable conservation tourism with high-quality standards. We aspire to set a prominent example, not only for our country but also for other similar projects that focus their efforts on flagship species in their conservation work.

We currently have the following projects

Population Study and Nest Monitoring in two Harpy Eagle populations (Harpya harpija) in Two Bio-regions of Colombia (Chocó and Amazonia) in Bahía Solano and Inirida.

This is a significant achievement for our project and a testimony that our efforts are yielding tangible results. Each new chick represents a renewed hope for the survival of this endangered species, propelling us forward in our mission of protection and conservation.

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