
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

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Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359
Inirida River Birdwatching - Birding Tour

Amazon & Llanos

Amazon & Llanos

per person

The east of Colombia is a vast, wild territory. Leaving behind the eastern Andes, the huge plain stretches out to the horizon, towards the borders with Venezuela, towards the Orinoco River to the East, and Peru and Brazil to the South and the South East. This plain is barely interrupted to the south, just on rare occasions by steep elevations or mountain ranges associated with Guyana rock formations, while to the north the immense savannas and floodplains are interrupted by gallery and riparian forests that run along the watercourses.


Orinoquia and Amazonia are also home to an incredible number of birds, including colorful Tanagers, mysterious antbirds, iridescent hummingbirds, silent flycatchers and incredible singing wrens, all of which may be seen during this trip. The Orinoquia region is dominated by ecosystems of savannas, flooded savannas, riparian and gallery forests, and is home to at least 600 species of birds. Here the main feature will be the large flocks of herons, egrets, Jabirus and Ibis that congregate in huge groups while foraging for their food, creating a colorful and surreal image. In Inírida, we will have the opportunity to explore the Orinoco-Amazon transition, with trails in firm-ground forests and gallery forests associated with black-water rivers, which create an excellent combination resulting in an incredible diversity. In Mitú, we will be immersed in megadiverse and little-known Amazon rainforest, where there is an almost uninterrupted green mantle that will enable us to explore the forests associated with the Guyana Shield, white sand forests, varzea forests and the mainland.


Each visit to these places gives us new and unexpected records and even new species of birds are being discovered and described, attesting that these new destinations’ promise to be a favorite for any birder. Here we will be amazed by the singing of the capuchin bird, colorful manakins and a large number of antbirds, antwrens and antshrikes. The green color of the jungle is broken up by the colorful Cotingas, tityras, toucans and aracaris, while the puffbirds and jacamar hunt silently in the forest. Many trails are possible here and all are full of birds. The Orinoquia and the Colombian Amazon promise to be an unforgettable experience!

Key Species

 Amazonia Umbrellabird
 Amazonian Black-Tyrant
 Azure-naped Jay
 Bar-bellied Woodcreeper
 Bare-necked Fruitcrow
 Bicoloured Antbird
 Black Bushbird
 Black-bellied Cuckoo
 Black-bellied Thorntail
 Black-headed Parrot
 Blackish Nightjar
 Blackish-gray Antshrike
 Blackish-grey Antshrike
 Black-throated Antbird
 Blue-crowned Trogon
 Blue-throated Piping-Guan
 Bronzy Jacamar
 Brown-banded Puffbird
 Brown-headed Greenlet
 Cherrie’s Antwren
 Chestnut Woodpecker
 Chestnut-crested Antbird
 Cithron-throated Attila
 Cliff Flycatcher
 Collared Puffbird
 Dot-backed Antbird
 Fiery Topaz
 Flame-crested Tanager
 Golden-green Woodpecker
 Gould´s Jewelfront
 Green and Gold Tanager
 Green Manakin
 Green-tailed Jacamar
 Grey-bellied Antbird
 Grey-legged Tinamou
 Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
 Guianan Gnatcatcher
 Imeri Warbling-Antbird
 Lafresnaye´s Piculet
 Lemon-chested Greenlet
 Lemon-throated Barbet
 Orange-cheeked Parrot
 Orinoco Goose
 Orinoco Piculet
 Pale-headed Jacamar
 Paradise Jacamar
 Pavonine Quetzal
 Pearly Antshirke
 Pink-throated Becard
 Plumbeous Euphonia
 Point-tailed Palmcreeper
 Pompadour Cotinga
 Purple-breasted Cotinga
 Red-fan Parrot
 Ringed Antpipit
 Ringed Woodpecker
 Rose-breasted Chat
 Rufous-capped Antthrush
 Rufous-crowned Elaenia
 Rufous-tailed Flatbill
 Rufous-tailed Xenops
 Rusty-breasted Nunlet
 Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin
 Scale-breasted Woodpecker
 Scarlet Ibis
 Slaty Grosbeak
 Spangled Cotinga
 Spot-backed Antwren
 Spotted Puffbird
 Tawny-tufted Toucanet
 Varzea Schiffornis
 Velvet-fronted Grackle
 White-bearded Flycatcher
 White-chinned Sapphire
 White-eyed Tody-Tyrant
 White-naped Seedeater
 White-plumed Antbird
 Wing-barred Piprites
 Wire-tailed Manakin
 Yapacana Antbird
 Yellow-bellied Jacamar
 Yellow-crowned Manakin
 Yellow-throated Antwren


  • We will observe birds in the indigenous Tukano communities.

  • We will visit the Mavacure hills, a sacred place for the Amazonian indigenous communities around Inírida.

  • We will observe the pink dolphins (Boto) in the Guainía, Guaviare and Inírida rivers.

  • We will be in contact with the plains culture of eastern Colombia in Hato La Aurora and its beautiful sunsets.

  • Destination
  • Departure
    Bogota DC IATA: BOG / Bogota DC IATA: BOG
  • Dress Code
    This is a fairly standard birding tour with early morning starts and evening finishes to each day. One some days we may take picnic lunches in order to no waste time during the middle of the day or having to leave site. The weather can be unpredictable with rain and sunshine both likely. At higher altitudes it can be chilly. We have an amazing photo opportunity for many species of hummingbirds and other species coming to feeders, we will also be looking for a good number of species that are very rare and seldom seen, but we will be going to areas that hold these sought-after species.
  • Included
    Accomodation in Double Room
    All 4x4 vehicules or boats
    All domestic flights
    All ground private transportation
    All meals B-L-D
    Entrances to all natural reserves
    Hot drinks
    Private transfer Airport - hotel - aiport
    Professional Private Birding Guide
    Professional Private Driver
    Single room - adicional pay
    Snaks and water
    Soda or juice with each meal
    Vegan and Vegetarian menus
  • Not Included
    Activities not included in the itinerary
    Alcoholic drinks
    Colombian Event Insurance
    Extensions of a trip due to circumstances beyond our control
    International flights and taxes
    International phone calls
    Laundry service
    Medical expenses (not covered for evet insurance)
    Room service
    Tips or gratuity

Day 1. Arrival to Bogota EL Dorado International Airport / Bogota
Day 2. Flight to Mitú (Amazon Forest), Bocatoma White Sand Forest / Brasilia
Day 3. Santa Cruz and MCH Path, Cock of the Rock / Brasilia
Day 4. Pueblo Nuevo Terra Firme Forest / Brasilia
Day 5. Bocatoma Terra Firme Forest / Brasilia
Day 6. Mitu-Cachivera Forest / Brasilia
Day 7. Urania Secondary Forest, flight from Mitú to Bogota,
Day 8. Flight to Inírida, Caño Culebra Path / Fuentes del Guainia
Day 9. Caño Carbon & Sabanitas Trail / Fuentes del Guainia
Day 10. Matraca Trail & Laguna Negra / Fuentes del Guainia
Day 11. Paujil Trail & Caño Cunuben / Fuentes del Guainia
Day 12. Cerros de Mavecure & El Remanso Community / Fuentes del Guainia
Day 13. Caño Vitina, fly to Villavicencio / Hacienda Camana
Day 14. Bavaria Forest & Hacienda Camana / Hacienda Camana
Day 15. Camino Monfortiano, transfer to Yopal / Yopal
Day 16. Transfer to Hato La Aurora Nature reserve, birding on the road
Day 17-18. Birding in Hato La Aurora Reserve (Eastern Plains) / Juan Solito
Day 19. Flight to Bogota from Yopal / Bogota
Day 20. International flight from Bogota

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