
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

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Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359
El Cocuy National Park - Birding Colombia - Nature Tour

Escape to the Eastern Andes

Escape to the Eastern Andes

per person

A wonderful trip through the mountains of the Colombian Eastern Andes, where the Moorlands, the Cloud Forest, and some very special ecosystems, such as the Dry Forest of the Chicamocha Canyon, will provide a bunch of good species for your list, without being too far from Bogotá. A trip during which you will not have to worry about hot temperatures or long car journeys. Here you just have to worry about enjoying the culture, incredible landscapes and a huge variety of food in one of the most beautiful towns in Colombia (Villa de Leiva), but undoubtedly loads of great hummingbirds and some very special endemic species.

Key Species

 Andean Guan
 Apical Flycatcher
 Black Inca
 Black-backed Grosebeak
 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle
 Bronze-tailed Thornbill
 Brown-breasted Parakeet
 Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird
 Colombian Mountain Grackle
 Golden-bellied Starfronlet
 Golden-fronted Redstar
 Green-bearded Helmetcrest
 Many-striped Canastero
 Moustached Brush-Finch
 Niceforos´s Wren
 Pale-bellied Tapaculo
 Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant
 Rufous-browed Conebill
 Silvery-throated Spinetail
 White-chinned Spinetail


  • Birdwatching in a protected area in the largest Moor in the world, El Páramo de Sumapaz.

  • Villa de Leyva, one of the most charming towns in Colombia.

  • Explore one of the last Oak forests in Soatá.

  • Destination
  • Departure
    Bogota DC IATA: BOG / Bogota DC IATA: BOG
  • Dress Code
    This is a fairly standard birding tour with early morning starts and evening finishes to each day. One some days we may take picnic lunches in order to no waste time during the middle of the day or having to leave site. The weather can be unpredictable with rain and sunshine both likely. At higher altitudes it can be chilly. We have an amazing photo opportunity for many species of hummingbirds and other species coming to feeders, we will also be looking for a good number of species that are very rare and seldom seen, but we will be going to areas that hold these sought-after species.
  • Included
    Accomodation in Double Room
    All 4x4 vehicules or boats
    All domestic flights
    All ground private transportation
    All meals B-L-D
    Entrances to all natural reserves
    Hot drinks
    Private transfer Airport - hotel - aiport
    Professional Private Birding Guide
    Professional Private Driver
    Single room - adicional pay
    Snaks and water
    Soda or juice with each meal
    Vegan and Vegetarian menus
  • Not Included
    Activities not included in the itinerary
    Alcoholic drinks
    Colombian Event Insurance
    Extensions of a trip due to circumstances beyond our control
    International flights and taxes
    International phone calls
    Laundry service
    Medical expenses (not covered for evet insurance)
    Room service
    Tips or gratuity

Day 1. Arrival to Bogotá
Day 2. Chicaque Natural Reserve
Day 3. Sumapaz National Park, Bogota
Day 4. Chingaza National Park, La Calera Hummingbird Garden, transfer Villa de Leiva
Day 5. Iguaque Sactuary Flora & Fauna, Villa de Leiva
Day 6. Rogitama, transfer Soata
Day 7. Soata Oak Forest, Soata
Day 8. Chicamocha Dry Forest, transfer Bogota
Day 9. International flight home from Bogotá

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