
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359

We’re Back

We know that we are still in difficult times, but we are gradually resuming our normalcy, so we want to share these moments with everyone, safely and carefully we can return to our birdwatching trips, we are here waiting for you, with joy, with all that we can offer the best!

The whole Manakin Nature Tours staff is passionate about nature, we know our commitment is to preserve this biodiversity and the importance of making it known to everyone! With birdwatching we can be in the field, forests, with people and connect with nature with the “excuse” of seeing birds.
With the pandemic of last year we shutting down all our tours since March 2020, everything were stopped and until the moment we did not operate our tours.
It was a difficult time for everyone, we had to make some adjustments, cut costs, but most importantly we managed to keep our entire staff and help some local guides. We learned a lot about business resilience, we reinvented ourselves, we tried to improve points where we needed, like our website, our digital presence and others!
Everything was a great learning experience, to always improve. As one of the requirements for the resumption of tourism, it was the creation of our Biosafety protocol that you can access on this link, to provide security to all our customers, guides and in the communities we visit during our tours.
So after a few months off, we had our first two tours of 2021! It was such a special feeling! We remember our first tours in 2009, everything was special, all the protocols, and of course with unique feeling, a new beginning and a new hope!
It was a memorable day, as our leader guides Alejando Nagy and Kristian Daza said: In each lodge we arrived we could see the look of hope and joy in seeing birdwatchers again. It seems simple, but when we think of everything that we have already realized that it is not, we understand that bird watching is an activity beyond having lifers, just like the Little Prince phrase You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed, and that is with bird watching, we are responsible in different places, people who are defending and protecting nature so that when we arrive the birds can be there and present us with eternal moments.
We know that we are still in difficult times, but we are gradually resuming our normalcy, so we want to share these moments with everyone, safely and carefully we can return to our birdwatching trips, we are here waiting for you, with joy, with all that we can offer the best!
May 2021 be a year of hope and better days for everyone!




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